
2016-07-22 18:15 千龙网

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石东伟  阿里巴巴集团副总裁

1989年  毕业于外交学院外交系

1989年-2001年  任职于外交部,期间被派往中国驻新加坡使馆,中国驻印度孟买总领事馆工作,并参与了1997年香港回归的后过渡期中英谈判工作。

2001年-2004年  任美国朗讯科技公司全球政府事务中国区总监

2004年-2008年  任美国安捷伦科技公司任中国区副总裁

2008年-2014年  任星巴克全球副总裁兼星巴克中国公司公共事务副总裁


Mr. Shi Dongwei

Vice President, Alibaba Group

After graduating from China Foreign AffairsUniversity in 1989, Mr. Shi Dongwei worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairsof the People’s Republic of China in 1989-2001, where he was dispatched toEmbassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore,Consulate-general of the People’s Republic of China in Mumbai and also involvedin the transition period negotiation between China and the United Kingdom onthe return of Hong Kong in 1997. From 2001, he began to worked at LucentTechnologies (2001–2004), as the Director, Global Government Affairs in China,Agilent Technologies China (2004-2008) as the vice president, CorporateAffairs, and Starbucks(2008.05-2015.03) as the corporate vice president onpublic affairs for Starbucks China. On March 17th, 2015, Mr. Shi joined AlibabaGroup and served as its group vice president.

