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2019-11-14 13:07 北国网



《时代周刊》赞誉:BrainRobotics 智能假肢开创了脑机接口领域的先河:人工智能算法让用户可以操作无限种手势。并采用一种用户与手互相学习的先进算法,让用户对手的操作熟练度随着使用时间不断提升,从而做出精细的操控指令。



如今,一个华人创业团队登陆这个榜单,并引起了全球的关注,在此之前很多人对BrainCo (强脑科技)还所知甚少。

















1. 无与伦比的听觉体验

苹果Airpods Pro

Superior Listening - Apple Airpods Pro

What sets Apple’s new $249 AirPods Pro apart from your average headphones? Aside from its pocket-friendly wireless charging case, the in-ear, truly wireless earbuds boast advanced noise-managing capabilities, clever design choices and thoughtful software features. A companion app that helps you find the right size silicone tips makes securely fitting the sweat-­resistant earbuds easy, and classic in-ear headphone issues like clogged ears are gone because of the vented design.

Stellar active noise cancellation silences the world around you—but you can choose to maintain environmental awareness by turning on “transparency mode.” Although you can’t plug a headphone splitter into an iPhone anymore, you can use your AirPods Pro (or a second pair of AirPods) to share audio with a friend when paired with any iOS 13 device. All this adds up to an unparalleled experience when it comes to truly wireless earbuds.

无与伦比的听觉体验,苹果Airpods Pro

是什么让苹果公司全新的卖249美元的AirPods Pro从普通耳机中脱颖而出?除了便于携带的无线充电盒,其真正无线的入耳式耳机还具有先进的噪音管理功能、巧妙的设计选择和贴心的软件功能。与之配对的APP可帮助您找到合适尺寸的硅胶耳塞并轻松地将防汗耳机牢牢地佩戴,而通气的设计消除了例如耳道堵塞之类的经典入耳式耳机存在的问题。傲视群雄的主动降噪功能使您周围的世界保持安静- 但您也可以选择通过打开“通透模式”来保持对周围环境的感知。尽管您现在无法再将耳机分线器插入iPhone,您可以使用AirPods Pro(或另一副AirPods)与任何iOS 13设备配对并与朋友共享音频。所有这些都为真正的无线耳塞带来了无与伦比的体验。

2. 如与生俱来,可随心而动


A More Lifelike Prosthetic - BrainRobotics AI prosthetic hand

The BrainRobotics prosthetic hand is a first in its field: an intuitive AI-powered hand that allows the user to make unlimited gestures and grips. Unlike other prosthetic hands that came before it, this one employs an algorithm that allows the hand and user to learn from each other and becomes more lifelike with each use. The device also uses eight multichannel electromyography sensors in the wrist, which enable the hand to process muscle signals from the user’s arm, allowing more accurate control over grips and hand motions. Although the product is still in the testing phase, one beta tester was able to play a piano duet with great success. “We hope our invention can give amputees the ability to proudly control prosthetics just like they are using their real hands,” says Max Newlon, the president of parent company BrainCo. When available, the hand will cost $10,000 to $15,000—­relatively affordable, considering similar devices can cost significantly more.

如与生俱来,可随心而动——BrainRobotics 人工智能假肢

BrainRobotics 智能假肢手开创了其领域内的先河:人工智能算法让用户可以操作无限种手势。与现有的其他机械假肢手不同,BrainRobotics 假肢手使用了一种能让用户与手互相学习的先进算法,让用户对手的操作熟练度随着使用时间不断提升。同时,该产品使用了多达8个通道的肌电信号传感器,使用户可以通过残肢肌肉做出精细的操控指令。虽然这套系统目前还在测试阶段,一位测试用户已经可以通过该智能假肢与郎朗表演四手联弹。

3. 前沿的数据存储


Cutting-Edge Data Storage - CATALOG DNA Data Writer

Our digital world is creating new data by the sextillion, and storing it is costly and takes up physical space. CATALOG took inspiration from the human body’s efficient system for storing genetic information to create the DNA Data Writer, which prints data on blank, synthetic strands of DNA. The company recently printed and stored 16 gigabytes of the English text version of Wikipedia on DNA in about 12 hours—roughly 1,000 times faster than previously achieved rates. Commercial pilot testing is set for 2020.

前沿的数据存储 - CATALOG DNA数据写入器

我们的数字世界正在以10的21次方速度创建新的数据,这些数据的存储既昂贵又占用物理空间。CATALOG的灵感来自于人体高效的基因信息存储系统,并由此创建了可在空白的合成DNA链上打印数据的DNA数据写入器。该公司最近在大约12小时内在DNA上打印并存储了16 GB的英文文本版本的维基百科,这比以前达到的速度快了大约1000倍。商业试点测试定于2020年。

4. 听到你所看到的

OrCam MyEye 2

Vision Made Audible - OrCam MyEye 2

For those living with visual impairments, the OrCam MyEye 2 could be a game changer. Described as “talking glasses,” the artificial-­intelligence device attaches to the frame of any glasses and can identify faces and currency or read text and information from barcodes aloud. Fitting all this power into such a small device is like “putting an elephant into a small closet,” says Amnon Shashua, inventor of the technology. OrCam MyEye 2 can also be useful for those with reading difficulties like dyslexia. A newer version, which is scheduled to come out next year, will allow users to get even more specific, like telling the machine to read only the headlines of a newspaper, or only the appetizer section of a menu. The device is available in 48 countries and has even been used in Israeli elections to help blind and visually impaired citizens cast their ballots.

听到你所看到的 - OrCam MyEye 2

对于视力障碍者来说,OrCam MyEye 2将会在未来改变现实的游戏规则。OrCam MyEye 2作为人工智能设备被称为“会说话的眼镜”,这种设备可安装在任何眼镜的镜架上并可识别面部和货币,或从条形码中读取所需的文字和信息。这项技术的发明者阿姆农·沙舒亚(Amnon Shashua)曾说过将所有这些功能安装到这种小型设备中就像“将大象放入小型壁橱”。 OrCam MyEye 2对阅读困难的人(例如诵读困难者)也大有裨益。计划于明年发布的新版本将会升级换代,用户在使用产品的过程中可达到更加特定化和具体化的功能,例如告诉产品机器仅仅阅读报纸的头条新闻,或仅阅读菜单的开胃菜部分。OrCam MyEye 2可在48个国家地区使用,甚至在以色列的选举中,此设备曾用于帮助盲人和视障公民进行投票。

5. 一步到位的华丽

Dyson Airwrap

One-Step Glam-Dyson Airwrap

“Dyson engineers always start with a problem,” says Sam Bernard, global director of the company’s personal-care division. In this case, the problem was the irreparable hair damage caused by curling irons and other hot styling tools. Dyson’s solution? Use its prowess in air technology to create a single tool, the $549.99 Airwrap, that dries and styles hair at once, no twisting or heating required. The Airwrap uses the powerful Dyson digital motor V9 to “vacuum” sections of hair, and low heat to create waves or curls. “Before the Airwrap, consumers just accepted that in order to create the style they wanted, they would need to damage their hair with extreme heat,” Bernard says. “Since the introduction of our products, they have a choice in the matter.”

一步到位的华丽 - Dyson卷发棒

戴森的全球个人护理部总监Sam Bernard说,“Dyson的工程师工作的时候总是问题导向的”。这一次的问题就是,传统加热卷发棒给头发带来不可修复的损伤。那么戴森的解决方案是什么呢?利用空气的技术来创造一个新的工具,售价549.99刀的空气卷发棒Airwrap,在干发的同时做出好看的造型,不需要加热、也不需要拉扯秀发。卷发棒利用戴森的第九代数码马达驱动康达效应,低温加热来达到卷发效果。Bernard还说“在空气卷发棒之前,用户已经接受了要想做出好看的造型就要头发极度受损的事实。自从有了这个产品,他们才有了更多选择。”

6. 收割风能


Harnessing Wind, More Efficiently-GE Haliade-X 12 MW Offshore Wind Turbine

As temperatures rise, political pressure has grown to move the world toward clean energy. GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine, the first of which was raised this year, offers one piece of the puzzle. Each blade of the world’s largest offshore wind turbine stretches more than the length of a football field, and its height tops that of the Washington Monument. This is a significant advance: when it comes to offshore wind turbines, bigger often means better. With digital controls and other upgrades, it’s the most efficient in the industry, churning even when the wind is not strong enough to drive other turbines. Soon, GE expects it to enter service in the Northeast U.S. as well as across Europe, China and Japan.


随着全球变暖的恶化,政治上越来越大的压力促使世界转向清洁能源。今年首次提出的GE的Haliade-X海上风力涡轮发电机了为其行业发展提供了新的解决方案。世界上最大的海上风力涡轮发电机的每个叶片的延伸长度超过足球场的长度,并且其高度超过华盛顿纪念碑的高度。这是一项重大的进步因为对于海上风力涡轮发电机,更大通常意味着更好。通过电子数据控制和其他升级,即使在风力不足以驱动其他涡轮机的情况下,Haliade-X海上风力涡轮发电机也是其行业内效率最高的。 近期内GE希望在美国东北部以及欧洲,中国和日本开始提供服务。

7. 会说话的助听器

Starkey Livio AI

A Talking Hearing Aid - Starkey Livio AI

Many people who could benefit from a hearing aid avoid it, fearing it signals infirmity. Starkey Hearing Technologies answers that fear with a device that does more than amplify sound and tone down background noise. Livio AI is embedded with sensors and artificial intelligence that allow it to stream music; verbally answer questions like a smart assistant; translate conversations into your language; detect falls (and alert loved ones); measure physical activity; and track how often you talk to other people during the day—useful for elderly users who can become isolated. Since launching in 2018, “it’s our best-selling product ever,” says Achin Bhowmik, chief technology officer at Starkey, who wears the device even though he doesn’t have hearing loss. “It’s better than normal hearing.” Livio AI is available from hearing professionals.

会说话的助听器 - Starkey Livio AI

许多可以从助听器中受益的人都会避免使用它,因为有人觉得助听器代表了身体疾病。 Starkey助听器技术通过放大声音、降低背景噪音和更多的功能来消除这种担忧。 Livio AI嵌入了许多对于孤独老人十分有用的功能,例如在线听音乐、像智能助手一样口头回答问题、将对话翻译成您的语言、跌倒检测(并通知亲人),测量日常身体活动和跟踪白天与他人交谈频率等。Starkey首席技术官Achin Bhowmik表示自2018年推出以来,“这是我们有史以来最畅销的产品”。 即使没有听力问题,他也佩戴了该设备。 “它比正常人的听力还要好。” Livio AI可从专业人士处获得。

8. 虚拟手术

Osso VR

Virtual Surgery - Osso VR

Virtual reality can be extremely useful when it comes to ­training—­for first-time drivers, pilots and even surgeons. The Osso VR software is designed to give doctors a virtual operating-­room experience. “Even after four years of college, four years of medical school and five years of residency on average, 30% of graduates still cannot operate on their own,” says Dr. Justin Barad, co-founder and CEO of Osso VR. “That’s insane.” Osso VR is now being used in hospitals around the U.S., and soon surgeons in health centers in underdeveloped countries, such as Tanzania, Cambodia and Ethiopia, will also be able to learn from leading experts from around the world without having to leave their hospitals.

虚拟手术 - Osso VR

当涉及培训时,虚拟现实对于初入职场的司机、飞行员甚至外科医生来说会大有用途。 Osso VR软件旨在为医生提供虚拟的手术室体验。 Osso VR的联合创始人兼首席执行官Justin Barad博士说:“即使经过四年的大学学习,四年的医学院学习和五年的住院医生实习期,仍然有30%的毕业生仍然无法独立做手术,这太疯狂了”。 Osso VR现在正在美国各地的医院中使用,不久之后,坦桑尼亚、柬埔寨和埃塞俄比亚等不发达国家医疗中心的外科医生将足不出户向世界各地的领先专家学习。

9. 未来的电视


TV of the Futures - LG 88 Inch OLED 8K TV

4K televisions have finally gone mainstream, and prices are falling. But another big upgrade is just around the corner: 8K displays, like LG’s 88-in. model, are trickling out and promise even better picture quality for the big game or family movie night. LG’s display is the first 8K TV with OLED technology, which allows for a higher-­contrast picture and a thinner ­display—the LG TV is a mere 1.96 in. thick. 8K-­quality movies don’t yet exist, but LG’s display will “upscale” existing video until true 8K content becomes available. LG’s Tim Alessi says that, unlike other TVs, this model’s resolution will even allow for comfortable viewing in tighter spaces. “You can get up super close to it, and you’ll still see a solid, clear, well-defined image,” he says.

未来的电视 - LG 88英寸 OLED 8K电视

4K电视终于成为主流,且价格越来越亲民。 但是另一项重大升级指日可待——8K显示器,例如LG的88英寸显示器。 这款电视可以在大型游戏或家庭电影之夜中展现出更高的图像质量。LG的显示屏是第一款采用OLED技术的8K电视,它具备更高对比度,且更薄--LG TV的厚度仅为1.96英寸(不到5厘米)。8K品质的电影尚不存在,但是LG的显示器将提升现有视频质量,直到真正的8K视频进入人们的生活。LG的创新产品总监蒂姆·阿莱西(Tim Alessi)表示,与其他电视不同,该电视的分辨率允许人们可以在狭窄的空间中也能保障观看体验。 他说:“在离屏幕非常近的情况下,你仍然可以看到非常清晰图像.”

10. 目光,为娱乐所用

Comcast Xfinity X 眼控设备

Entertainment by Sight-Comcast Xfinity X1 Eye Control

This web-based remote control for computers, tablets and TVs is designed to help those with physical disabilities, by letting users control devices with their eyes. Using their own eye-gaze software or other assistive technology, users log in to Xfinity’s free site and can surf, search and record just by looking at different buttons on the web page. For many, it will be the first time they’ve had the power to change the channel.

目光,为娱乐所用——Comcast Xfinity X 眼控设备


11. 升级版人造肉汉堡

Impossible Burger2.0

A Better Plant Burger-Impossible Burger 2.0

The classic veggie burger got an upgrade with the Impossible Burger 2.0, an alternative to ground beef that even chars and bleeds, despite being made entirely from plant-based proteins. Its makers have capitalized on public desire for a more sustainable burger this year, making headlines for partnering with Burger King and launching their plant-based meat at grocery chains on the East and West Coasts. The company plans to build on its product line by launching other meat alternatives, like faux chicken and fish. For now, though, “Our competition is only the cow,” a company spokesperson says.

升级版人造肉汉堡 - Impossible Burger2.0

经典的素食汉堡通过Impossible Burger 2.0进行了升级,它是碎牛肉的替代品甚至会产生炭和出血,尽管它完全由植物蛋白制成。 其制造商已经利用公众对今年可持续汉堡的渴望,发布与汉堡王(Burger King)合作的头条新闻,并在东西海岸的杂货店推出基于植物的肉。 该公司计划通过推出其他肉类替代品(如人造鸡肉和鱼肉)来扩大其产品线。 不过目前公司发言人说,“我们的竞争还只是牛。”

12. 智能拐杖


A Smart Cane - WeWalk

A few years ago, Kursat Ceylan, who is blind, was trying to find his way to a hotel, using a smartphone map app and a cane while pulling luggage, when he walked into a pole, cutting his forehead. He co-­developed the ­WeWALK—a smart cane that detects objects above chest level and pairs with apps, such as Google Maps—to help the 250 million visually impaired and blind people worldwide navigate a digital world without having to juggle a smartphone. The WeWALK costs $499.

智能拐杖 - WeWalk

几年前,当失明的库尔萨特·塞兰(Kursat Ceylan)试图用智能手机地图应用程序和拐杖拉着行李,走向旅馆,他走向一根电线杆,撞伤了额头。 他参与共同开发了 “WeWALK”: 一种智能手杖可以检测胸部上方的物体并与Google Maps等应用程序配对,从而帮助全球2.5亿视力障碍和盲人无需摆弄智能手机来导航。 WeWALK售价499美元。

13. 外卖,现代化!

Postmates Serve

Meal Delivery, Modernized-Postmates Serve

Your next Postmate might not arrive in a car. Meet the delivery service’s newest rover, Serve, which has two eyes and four wheels and navigates the sidewalks remotely monitored by a human pilot. The robot, which Postmates says can carry 50 lb. and travel 30 miles on a single charge, will join more than 350,000 people who deliver food for the company. Customers receive their meals by using a touchscreen on the rover. Designed to navigate in urban spaces with more ease and less environmental impact than a larger vehicle, Postmates says Serve reduces delivery costs and traffic while increasing sales for local restaurants. The service has initial plans to roll out in Los Angeles and San Francisco.



14. 可移动能源

We Care Solar Suitcase

Portable Power - We Care Solar Suitcase

Laura Stachel, a U.S. obstetrician-gynecologist, was observing a complicated baby delivery in Nigeria when the power went out. Electricity cuts are common in the country, which also has one of the world’s highest maternal-mortality rates. So Stachel asked her husband, a solar-power expert, to build an easy-to-use, suitcase-size solution that could run lights for a delivery room along with a fetal heart monitor for her next trip. When she returned to the Nigerian hospital with the first Solar Suitcase, the midwives begged to keep it. Now, Stachel’s NGO has shipped nearly 4,000 units to 27 developing countries, putting an end to deliveries in darkness.

可移动能源 - We Care 太阳能“旅行箱”


15. 减少错误诊断

Qlarity Imaging QuantX

Reducing false diagnoses-Qlarity Imaging QuantX

Diagnosing breast cancer can be a worrisomely old-school process. For all of the 21st century tech that can image tumors, the ultimate diagnosis still rests with the radiologist’s eyes and judgment. With 30 million breast-cancer screenings in the U.S. each year, that can lead to a lot of false negatives and positives. QuantX backstops radiologists with AI-enabled software that analyzes MRIs to confirm or challenge their diagnosis. The system was approved by the FDA in 2017 when a clinical study showed a 39% reduction in missed cancers and a 20% improvement in overall accuracy. QuantX is currently being tried out at the University of Chicago and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, with a bigger rollout planned in the coming months.

减少错误诊断-Qlarity Imaging QuantX


16. 太阳能首创


A Solar Power First - Lightyear 1

Electric cars are all the rage. But there is the problem of batteries running low far from a charging station. Dutch automotive startup Lightyear has a potential solution in the ­Lightyear One, a futuristic-­looking electric sedan adorned with solar panels that recharge the car. Solar generates only about 7.5 miles of range every hour, but with an impressive 450 miles of single-charge range to begin with, owners won’t be relying on sunshine alone to get around.

太阳能首创 - 光年一号电动车

电动汽车风靡一时。然而在远离充电装置的地方耗尽电量却是一种担忧。荷兰汽车创业公司 Lightyear 通过其未来感十足的装备了太阳能电池板的电动车Lightyear One提出了一种潜在的解决方案。虽然太阳能每小时只能给车充上7.5英里的续航里程,但搭配上其本身的450英里单次充电航程,用户并不需要单纯依靠太阳能来使用这台车。

17. 创造全新的“世界”

MineCraft Worlds

Building New Worlds-Minecraft Earth

Like Pokémon Go before it, Minecraft Earth is an augmented reality game that sends players out into the real world to gather resources and interact with each other. Unlike Pokémon Go, Minecraft Earth lets players leave permanent digital structures they’ve built on the platform for others to enjoy. Using only a smartphone, fans of the popular game can create whole worlds that hum alongside our own. An early-access version of Minecraft Earth launched in the U.S. in November.


像之前的《Pokémon Go》一样,《我的世界:地球》是一款增强现实游戏,可以将游戏玩家带入现实世界,收集资源并彼此互动。但与《Pokémon Go》不同,《我的世界:地球》可以允许玩家搭建的虚拟“建筑”永远地留在游戏平台上,以供他人观赏。只需一台智能手机,游戏玩家就可以在现实世界之上,再创新世界。抢先体验版《我的世界:地球》将于11月份在美国上市。

18. 一台更加灵活轻便的电脑

联想ThinkPad X1 可折叠笔记本

A More Flexible PC - Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Foldable Laptop

The touchscreen spans the entire surface, though users can pull up or retract a virtual keyboard for typing, and the ThinkPad X1 Foldable can sit in a stand or dock for use with a physical keyboard and mouse. When folded, the device is the size of a 9-in. folio—more portable than most small laptops. A foldable screen may seem futuristic, but it’s designed to be user-friendly while still functioning not like a tablet but like a full PC—Windows operating system and all. The ThinkPad X1 Foldable is set to be on the market in 2020.

一台更加灵活轻便的电脑-联想ThinkPad X1 可折叠笔记本

既是笔记本电脑,又是平板电脑——联想ThinkPad X1 折叠本,一翻一折之间,颠覆了您对笔记本电脑的认知。配备可对折的13.3英寸2K OLED触摸屏幕,联想Think Pad X1 折叠本可以满足您在各种场景中的不同需求:可以像平板电脑一样平铺在桌上;可以像书本一样在通勤时半开着带上地铁;也可以像使用传统笔记本一样进行办公。ThinkPad  X1 折叠本的触摸板遍布整个屏幕,使用者也可使用虚拟键盘进行打字,抑或是将其放在支架上,链接外置键盘与鼠标。折叠后,9英寸的大小要比大多数小型笔记本更加便携。可折叠屏幕的概念可能看起来有些超前,但此项设计真正做到了从用户角度出发,以平板电脑的体积实现了一台搭载Windows操作系统所有功能的台式机所能做到的一切。联想ThinkPad X1折叠本将于2020年投放市场。

19. 更绿色的飞行

Eviation Alice

Greener Flight-Eviation Alice

Flying is dirty work—the aviation industry emits nearly a quarter of total transportation-­related greenhouse-­gas emissions in the U.S., according to the EPA. One way to clean it up could be ­Eviation’s all-electric Alice, an Israeli-made nine-seater meant to convince the gas-­guzzling aviation world that electric power is ready for takeoff. “The real innovation is in the lightweight materials rather than the batteries and motors and controllers and all that,” says Eviation CEO Omer Bar-Yohay. If successful, the design could pave the way for larger electric commercial aircraft. Alice, which has a range of 650 miles and should be quieter than gas-­powered aircraft, begins flight testing in 2020.

绿色飞行-Eviation Alice

据EPA的数据显示,飞行是一项高污染交通方式:在美国航空工业排放的温室效应气体占了交通相关排放量的近四分之一。Eviation的全电动飞机Alice是一种潜在的解决方案。这款以色列制造的9座飞机向浊气慢慢的航空界宣告了其已准备好升空。Eviation 的 CEO Omer Bar-Yohay说道:“我们真正的创新在于轻量化的新型材料,而非电池、电极、或航电系统等”。如果获得成功,这款轻型飞机将为更大型的商用飞机铺路。具有650英里航程以及比现有飞机更低噪音的Alice将于2020年进行飞行测试。

20. 为玩家而生的VR

Oculus Quest

User Friendly VR - Oculus Quest

VR has been slow to catch on with the general public; it’s expensive, and there’s been a need for some tech knowledge and accoutrements to participate. The Quest might be the system that finally brings virtual reality into every home in America. Unlike older high-end VR setups, Oculus’ newest device doesn’t connect to a PC or require any external wires, and its VR-­enabled controllers and built-in motion-­tracking cameras allow you to safely move around a room and fully immerse yourself in games or experiential content. To set up the Quest, you just put on the headset, draw a virtual safety boundary in the room you’re using and jump into the action. Once inside, the possibilities are nearly limitless. You could find yourself in a boxing ring surrounded by a cheering crowd, pursuing a mission in the world of Star Wars or sword slashing to the music in Beat Saber. The experiences are so immersive that after taking off the headset, you might be stunned to realize you’ve been in the same room the whole time. A full set starts at $399—less than other VR headsets at this level. Consumers are clearly on board: the Quest had a sold-out release in May, and in just the first two weeks, Oculus sold more than $5 million of Quest apps and games.

为玩家而生的VR - Oculus Quest

VR赶上公众的步伐很慢。它很昂贵,并且需要一些技术知识和装备才能参与。 Quest可能是最终将VR带入美国每个家庭的那个系统。与较早的高端VR设置不同,Oculus的最新设备无需连接到PC或需要任何外部电线,其具有VR功能的控制器和内置运动跟踪摄像头可让您安全地在房间内移动并让玩家自己完全沉浸参与游戏或体验内容。设置Quest,您只需戴上耳机,在所使用的房间内绘制一个虚拟的安全边界,然后进行操作即可。一旦进入游戏中,可能性几乎是无限的。您可能会发现自己身处一群欢呼的人群包围的拳击台中,在星球大战(Star Wars)的世界中追求使命,或者在Beat Saber中用刀剑砍音乐。如此沉浸式的体验以至于摘下耳机后,您可能会惊讶地发现您一直都在同一个房间中。全套产品的起价为399美元,低于该级别的其他VR耳机。消费者显然会为此买单:Quest在5月份发布产品已经全部售罄;并且仅在最初的两周内,Oculus售出了超过500万美元的Quest应用和游戏。

21. 追踪水污染

Draper/Sprout Microplastics-Sensing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Tracking Water Pollution-Draper/Sprout Microplastics-Sensing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Take a sample from almost any major body of water, and you’re likely to find microplastics, or bits of plastic pollution less than 5 mm long. Many experts agree that microplastics are a cause for concern, as they may harm marine life or taint our fish and water supplies. But little is known about them beyond their ­prevalence—in an August report, the World Health Organization said getting more microplastics data is an “urgent concern.” That’s where the Microplastics-­Sensing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle comes in. Designed jointly by Draper and Sprout working alongside the Environmental Protection Agency, the raylike drone is meant to swim around a body of water, collecting and analyzing samples for their microplastics content. Draper project lead Lou Kratchman says that data can be a jumping-off point for more advanced microplastics research. “We need something that’s comparable to the world Air Quality Index,” he says. “Kind of a global weather map that, in real time, we can look and see how the microplastics situation is changing.” While the drone is still a concept, a simpler prototype is already being successfully used in Hawaii.


从任何一片大型水域提取的水体样品中,我们都能发现塑料微粒或者小于5mm的塑料残片污染的存在。许多专家都表示,塑料微粒具有威胁水生生物安全以及污染人类食物、水源的潜力,因此需要得到我们的关注。但是人们对塑料微粒污染的了解并不多。世界卫生组织在其八月份的一份报告中提出了获取塑料微粒更多相关数据的紧迫性。全自动塑料微粒感应水下航行器就在这时登场。由Draper and Sprout 和 Environmental Protection Agency 联合开发的这款航行器可以在一片水域中潜航并收集分析其中的塑料微粒数据。Draper的项目主导Lou Kratchman表示这款机器可以作为更进一步的塑料微粒研究的跳板。Kratchman说道:“我们需要一种类似世界空气质量指数(World Air Quality Index)的参数,像全球气候地图那样能让我们实时观测塑料微粒污染的情况。“ 虽然这款水下无人机仍处于概念状态,一款相似的原型机已经成功在夏威夷进行了使用。

22. 为老年人提供更好的照顾


Caring for the eldery - Stevie

People over 65 are the fastest-growing age group in much of the developed world, but the growth of the eldercare workforce isn’t keeping pace. The shortfall of paid care workers in the U.S. alone could exceed 150,000 by 2030, a gap that Dublin-based Akara Robotics believes AI can help fill. Akara’s signature creation is Stevie, a socially assistive robot designed for care homes. The robot has a friendly face, and can be adapted to play games, make deliveries and facilitate video chats. During initial trials this year in a Washington, D.C., retirement community, researchers found that residents liked Stevie best when it was entertaining them with stories and being social. Those features are important to get right, says Conor McGinn, Stevie’s lead engineer, as they are “the things that seem to affect people’s quality of life.”

为老年人提供更好的照顾 - Stevie

65岁以上的人是大多数发达国家中增长最快的年龄段,但是老年护理劳动力的增长步伐并没有跟上。到2030年,仅美国付费护理工作者的短缺就可能超过15万人次,总部位于都柏林的Akara Robotics认为人工智能可以帮助填补这一缺口的一个缺口。 Akara公司的标志性作品是Stevie,这是专为养老院设计的社交辅助机器人。 该机器人面容友好,可以适应玩游戏、送货和促进视频聊天的需求。今年,Stevie在华盛顿特区的一个退休社区进行的初步试验,研究人员发现,居民们最喜欢Stevie当它通过讲故事和社交来娱乐居民们的时候。Stevie的首席工程师Conor McGinn说,这些功能对于正确使用非常重要,因为它们“似乎在影响人们的生活质量”。

23. 保护你的数据

Helm Personal Server

Protecting Your Data - Helm Personal Server

Our personal information, stored by corporations like Google and Yahoo, seems more vulnerable than ever to hacks and leaks. One way to help keep it private is by storing it yourself using an email attached to a custom domain name; Helm CEO Giri Sreenivas calls email the “core of your online identity” through which you access nearly “every account that you have ­online.” For $499, the Helm Personal Server is a service and device that gives you private email and stores it securely, along with files, contacts and calendars. Its first two manufacturing runs have already sold out.

保护你的数据-Helm 个人服务器

由Google和Yahoo等公司存储的我们的个人信息似乎比以往任何时候都更容易受到黑客攻击和泄漏。有一种保护隐私信息的方法:使用附加到自定义域名的电子邮件将其存储。 Helm首席执行官Giri Sreenivas将电子邮件称为“在线身份的核心”,通过它您几乎可以访问“您拥有的每个在线帐户”。Helm Personal Server的价格为499美元,囊括服务和设备,可为您提供私人电子邮件并安全地进行存储文件,联系人和日历。它的前两批成品已经售罄。

24. 专业摄影变得简单

Remo Tech OBSBOT Tail

Pro Video Made Easy-Remo Tech OBSBOT Tail

If you’ve ever shot home movies or YouTube videos solo, you know how hard it is to keep yourself in frame. Now the OBSBOT Tail can be your cinematographer. Just set the $589 camera on a table or tripod; select your subject in the companion app; and the OBSBOT Tail will pan, tilt and zoom to follow them as they prowl the stage or dart across the football field, capturing their movements in 4K video. You can also give commands using hand gestures or through the app, where you can further customize your shooting preferences or style.

专业摄影变得简单——Remo Tech OBSBOT 相机


25. 赋能人民

YOLK 太阳能奶牛

Power to the people - YOLK Solar Cow

The YOLK Solar Cow is helping to improve access to electricity and education in developing nations. Placed near schools, the solar charging system that literally looks like a cow has “power milk”—white, portable batteries—­that students can take home to their families. Around 500 kids took charged batteries home during pilot programs in Kenya and Tanzania. YOLK says the product will chip away at broader global inequality issues by providing energy to low-income families and encouraging them to send their children to school.

赋能人民 - YOLK太阳能奶牛

YOLK太阳牛正在帮助发展中国家改善电力供应和教育水平。 放在学校附近的太阳能充电系统从字面上看起来像是一头牛,带有“动力奶”,即白色的便携式电池,­学生可以将其带回家。 在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的试点计划中,约有500名儿童将充电电池带回家。YOLK表示,该产品将通过为低收入家庭提供能源并鼓励他们送孩子上学,从而解决全球范围内的不平等问题。




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